Light Flags

Flag NameDescription

Interior Only

Light only renders inside interiors

Exterior Only

Light only renders outside of interiors

Dont Use In Cutscene


Ignore Artificial Lights State

Texture Projection

Enables Texture Projection

Cast Shadows

Casts Shadows

Cast Static Shadows

Cast Static shadows from the light (Static ydr meshes)

Cast Dynamic Shadows

Cast dynamic shadows from the light (player shadows)

Calculate From Sun

Calculate light intensity by time of day and sun brightness

Enable Buzzing

Enables electric light buzzing sound

Force Buzzing

forces electric light buzzing sound

No Specular

Disables light from showing up in specular reflections

Both Interior and Exterior

Interior lights bleed out of the MLO and vise versa

Corona Only

Only renders the corona of the light

Not In Reflection

Do not render light in mirror reflections

Only In Reflections

Only Render light in mirror reflections

Enable Culling Plane

Enables the lights culling plane

Enable Volume Outer Color

Enable Volume outer Color of the light

Higher Res Shadows

Increase Shadow Resolution

Only Low Res Shadows

Use Low Resolution Shadows

Far Lod Light

Force Light to be far LOD Light

Dont Light Alpha

Dont effect the alpha of objects

Cast Shadows If Possible


Moving Light Source

Use Vehicle Twin

Force Medium LOD Light

Corona Only LOD Light

Delay Render

Disables the light

Already Tested For Occlusion

Last updated