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Next, we need to add materials to the Drawable Models. With one of the Drawable Models selected, open the Sollumz Tools > Drawable > Shader Tools
panel. For this tutorial, I will use the "NORMAL" shader which allows us to specify a base color and a normal map. Search for the "NORMAL" shader and click Create Shader Material
To add a texture open shader tool and find the normal one select your drawable and then pres Create Shader Material, and it should appear in the Material menu in this tutorial I make 1 set of textures for each room so each room have a roof, wall, and floor. In this sample I use the normal, but you can play around with the others they have some different attributes that can be useful
With the newly added material selected, head to the material section then open Sollumz > Texture Parameters
then press the folder icon and select the texture you want.
When selecting textures you'll need to make sure their resolution is power of 2 E.g. 16x16
It also needs to be .dds and not jpg, png, or any other file format.
When you have set a texture open the UV Editing tab where you can edit the placement of the texture if the textures is placed wild you have to select the textures right click and press the Unwrap button
There are 2 way to store the textures in a ytd (texture dictionary) or embedded in the model. There are reasons to use either, but I won't come into when to use what for this tutorial i wil just use the embedded way. Chose each texture from the menu and press the Set all Textures Embedded
To set the vertex paint open Data > Color Attributes
and add a new color attribute called Color 1
and it need to be set to Face Corner and Byte Color for this tutorial I will just use green at .2 and everything else at 0 the vertex coloring is something you can play around with.
Red control ambient occlusion of the model during night, most (except for night lights) will have it topped to 255 so it gets very dark at night
Green artificial light, topping this to 255 will give a self emissive power to the object. Used for objects near to lampposts or light sources to simulate ambient lightning
Blue moonlight illumination, how much the object reflects of the moonlight. Rockstar uses this at very frequent situations to avoid a fully dark atmosphere