Archetype flags are used to define certain properties of the archetype, like its vertex colours and its physics and how it renders
Unknown 1
Unknown 2
Unknown 3
Unknown 4
Unknown 5
Freeze entity, disables physics
Unknown 7
Used for procedural objects
Unknown 9
Bone Anims (YCD)
Enable Bone Animations
UV Anims (YCD
Enable UV Animations
Invisible but blocks lights/shadows
Unknown 13
Object Won't Cast Shadow
Disable shadows for object
Enable Physics
Unknown 19
Unknown 20
Unknown 21
Unknown 22
Unknown 23
Unknown 24
Unknown 25
Unknown 26
Enable Special Attribute
Unknown 28
Disable Red Vertex Colour Channel
Disable Red Vertex Colours
Disable Green Vertex Colour Channel
Disable Green Vertex Colours (used alot for props)
Disable Blue Vertex Colour Channel
Disable Blue Vertex Colours
Disable Alpha Vertex Colour Channel
Disable Alpha Vertex Colours
Archetype definitions (.ytyp) is basically the configuration file to define properties of objects. inside the .ytyp you will find multiple Archetypes, each archetype is for one object, there is 3 types of archetypes, Base, Time and MLO. Base is for .ydr, .ydd, .yft objects, Time archetypes are for time based objects such as window emissives that only show up at night. MLO archetypes are for MLOs (.ybn) objects.
Archetype type (Base, Time, MLO)
Archetype Name
Special Attribute
0-13 (mainly used for doors)
Texture Dictionary
Texture dictionary (.ytd)
Clip Dictionary
Linked YCD Animation (.YCD)
Drawable Dictionary
Physics Dictionary
Blank or same as Archetype Name if embedded
HD Texture Distance
Distance at what the HD Textures (+hi.ytd, +hidr.ytd) load
LOD Distance
Distance at which the object unloads
Asset Type
Assetless, Drawable Dictionary (.YDD), Drawable (.YDR), Fragment (.YFT), Unintialized
Asset Name
Same as Archetype Name
Linked Object
Object in blender scene linked to the archetype
Used to add things like particles, ped spawns, ladders, and light shafts to be attached to the entity
Used for:
Expression Dictionary Name
Expression Name
Creature Metadata Name
Initialize on Collision
Offset Position XYZ
Extension offset relative to entity origin
Used For: Attaching / Spreading procedural objects
Extension Name
Radius Inner
Inside radius of a circle around the extension
Radius Outer
outside radius of a circle around the extension
Distance between procedural objects
Min Scale
Lowest possible scale value
Max Scale
Highest possible scale value
Min Scale Z
Lowest possible scale value on the Z axis
Max Scale Z
Highest possible scale value on the Z axis
Min Z Offset
lowest possible offset on the Z Axis
Max Z Offset
Highest possible offset on the Z Axis
Object Hash
procedural object to use
Offset Position XYZ
Extension offset relative to entity origin
Used for:
Extension Name
Offset Rotation XYZ
Extension rotation
Disturbance Type
Bone Tag
Linked bone's Bone Tag(Optional?)
Offset Position XYZ
Extension offset relative to entity origin
Used For: Spawning / overriding ped spawns
Extension Name
Scenario Type
Scenario type from .ymt scenarios
iTime Start Override
When the override should start
iTime End Override
When the override should end
Ped Group
Model Set
Ped Model Set
Radius of the Spawn Point Override
Time Till ped Leaves
Time until ped stops task (in minutes?)
Available in MP/SP
Whether it is SP only or MP
Scenario Flags
Offset Position XYZ
Extension offset relative to entity origin
Used For: Attaching peds / ped scenarios to objects
Extension Name
Offset Rotation XYZ
Extension rotation
Spawn Type
Ped Type
Ped Group
Interior Name (if inside one)
Required Map
Chance for the scenario to spawn
Time Till Ped Leaves
Time until ped stops task (in minutes?)
Radius of the Spawn Point
Time the scenario starts
Time the scenario ends
High Priority
Prioritizes spawning of scenario
Extended Range
Extend range at which the scenario can spawn relative to the player
Short Range
Decrease range at which the scenario can spawn relative to the player
Available in MP/SP
Whether it is SP only or MP
Scenario Flags
Offset Position XYZ
Extension offset relative to entity origin
Used For: Light Rays / God Rays
Density Type
How dense the light shaft should be
Volume Type
Shape of the shaft
Scale By Sun Intensity
Use in game sun intensity to effect brightness
Direction Amount
Length of the Light Shaft
Color of the Light Shaft
Intensity of the Light Shaft
Flags for how fast and if the Light Shaft should flash / flicker
Only Possible flags are 35, 99, 83, 115, 51
Fade In Time Start
When the Light Shaft should begin to appear
Fade in time End
when the Light Shaft is fully visible
Fade Out Time Start
When the Light Shaft should begin fading away
Fade Out Time End
when the Light Shaft Shouldnt be visible
Fade Distance Start
Distance at which the Light Shaft begins Fading
Fade Distance End
Distance at which the Light Shaft is fully Faded
Corner A XYZ
Top Left Corner Coords
Corner B XYZ
Top Right Corner Coords
Corner C XYZ
Bottom Right Corner Coords
Corner D XYZ
Bottom Left Corner Coords
Offset Position XYZ
Extension offset relative to entity origin