Lights are well, lights that are embedded into .ydr or .yft objects. there is many different settings for these lights which can make it very tricky and confusing to get right.
All light types have a Flashiness parameter, here you can set a value to make the light flicker or flash in a specific predefined way.
The default value is set to 0, or constantly visible.
Constant (0)
Light shines constantly, no flashing
Random (1)
Takes the lights Extent value as a factor for the random value
Random Override If Wet (2)
Once Per Second (3)
Light flashes 1 time per second
Twice Per Second (4)
Light flashes 2 times per second
Five Per Second (5)
Light flashes 5 times per second
Random Flashiness (6)
Truely random flashiness
Off (7)
Unused (8)
An unused value, has no effect
Alarm (9)
Flashes like an alarm, possibly tied to audio alarms?
On When Raining (10)
Flashing begins when weather is set to rain
Cycle 1 (11)
A predefined flashing cycle
Cycle 2 (12)
A predefined flashing cycle
Cycle 3 (13)
A predefined flashing cycle
Disco (14)
Flashes like a disco ball
Candle (15)
More so a flicker, like a candle
Plane (16)
Likely used for plane lights, the navigation ones
Fire (17)
Similar to the candle, but flickers faster
Threshold (18)
Electric (19)
Flashes like an electric ceiling light
Strobe (20)
Flickers like a strobe light, very fast and intense
Interior Only
Light only renders inside interiors
Exterior Only
Light only renders outside of interiors
Dont Use In Cutscene
Ignore Artificial Lights State
Texture Projection
Enables Texture Projection
Cast Shadows
Casts Shadows
Cast Static Shadows
Cast Static shadows from the light (Static ydr meshes)
Cast Dynamic Shadows
Cast dynamic shadows from the light (player shadows)
Calculate From Sun
Calculate light intensity by time of day and sun brightness
Enable Buzzing
Enables electric light buzzing sound
Force Buzzing
forces electric light buzzing sound
No Specular
Disables light from showing up in specular reflections
Both Interior and Exterior
Interior lights bleed out of the MLO and vise versa
Corona Only
Only renders the corona of the light
Not In Reflection
Do not render light in mirror reflections
Only In Reflections
Only Render light in mirror reflections
Enable Culling Plane
Enables the lights culling plane
Enable Volume Outer Color
Enable Volume outer Color of the light
Higher Res Shadows
Increase Shadow Resolution
Only Low Res Shadows
Use Low Resolution Shadows
Far Lod Light
Force Light to be far LOD Light
Dont Light Alpha
Dont effect the alpha of objects
Cast Shadows If Possible
Moving Light Source
Use Vehicle Twin
Force Medium LOD Light
Corona Only LOD Light
Delay Render
Disables the light
Already Tested For Occlusion